Don’t Feed the Interns, A New Web Series
Don’t Feed the Interns is a mockumentary-style comedy pilot. A documentary film crew meets the interns at Atlas Studios, Gloria, Lourdes, Marie, and Eddie. Gloria, the first intern we meet, is assigned to give the crew a tour, as they wait for the Executives to come out of a meeting and have a sit-down.
The Execs stand them up for the interview, and The Crew ends up spending most (or all) of the day with the interns.
The Crew is invited to return that evening for a Black Tie affair, which The Execs and the main player of Atlas will be hosting to celebrate their Academy Award nominations. The Interns, to their surprise, are also invited.
Instructed to arrive an hour early, The Interns quickly realize that they are not in fact part of the celebration, but rather The Help. They are instructed to serve hors d’oeuvres, run coat check, and clean.
They will not be paid overtime, and are not allowed to speak to the guests. Despite being told that food will be there for them, there’s none left when they finally get the chance to eat. By the end of the night, Gloria and the other Interns are the last people in the building, cleaning up their bosses’ mess. They are caught by the film crew talking shit about Atlas. Gloria is impassioned, and clearly the leader of the revolution.
The Producer of the film crew asks Gloria in an interview what’s next for the interns/how they will handle the injustice. Gloria tells them to wait and see.
From this point on, the film crew is focused on the interns and not Atlas as a whole.
Mermaid tells stories that are diverse and intersectional without sacrificing quality. Characters should feel like people you know, and stories should be compelling enough that anyone could relate to them.
Don’t Feed the Interns is the kind of underdog story that everyone can connect with. We are all interns in our own way, waiting for the opportunity to access our full potential.
Campaign Launch- JULY 22nd
Campaign End- AUG 22nd
Shooting- AUG 29th-SEPT. 4th
Post & Festivals & Distribution- SEP-NOV 2022
Screenings- Dec 2022
Crew 44%
Equipment 6%
Insurance 12%
Catering 16%
Post 22%
While we want to capture the mundane of a whitewashed office setting, we are looking to highlight the potential of the environment, The Interns, and the creative spaces in general.
We have episodes 2 and 3 written but the hope is that the pilot gets enough attention, or at least funding, to encourage the completion of the rest of the project.
For Don’t Feed the Interns, we will be launching a GoFundMe campaign. We thank you for reading and caring about the project. We hope to encourage you to check out the campaign and donate if you can and are able. As always, thank you, thank you, thank you, and see you on the flip side.